Waterford Institute Of Technology
It can be anything from the discovery of the wheel, all the way up to computers and MP3 players. The word "technology" can also be used to refer to a collection of techniques. When combined with another term, such as "medical technology" or "space technology," it refers to the state of the respective field's knowledge and tools. "State-of-the-art technology" refers to the high technology available to humanity in any field. School Of Arts & Sciences The invention of the microscope was driven by a need to explore the world of the small, beyond our unaided vision. This technological solution to a long standing problem has in turn enabled us to understand more the workings of the world which in turn has led to the development of more technologies. The use of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, especially in industry and commerce. Get the latest news from the Caltech website delivered to your email inbox. First of a two-par...